Bett UK

22-24 Jan 2025

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28/Abr a 01/Mai 2025

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2-3 Out 2024


Eduardo Freire

Eduardo Freire

CEO, FWK - Innovation Design
Co-founder and CEO of FWK (ex -FrameWork) Innovation Design. President of LIS - Social Innovation Laboratory, FrameWork spinoff in partnership with CUFA Global.

Develop Project Thinking (an unprecedented and pioneering approach to using Design Thinking in Project Management) in 2013 as a result of his master's degree at CIN / UFPE. Today, more than 1900 people have immersed themselves on the topic and 74 in the certification process. He was awarded the Microsoft MVP Award 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 in Project, being one of 47 in the world!

18 Years of experience in Strategic Project Management and Management Innovation. Stanford Innovation & Entrepreneurship Certificate (in progress). Ad-hoc consultant to UNESCO. Master in Computing by CIN / UFPE .MBA in project management by FGV and Post in public projects by FIOCRUZ.