Bett UK

22-24 Jan 2025

Bett Brasil

28/Abr a 01/Mai 2025

Bett Asia

2-3 Out 2024




countries represented


companies exhibiting


Connect @ Bett

Who should attend Bett 2024?



Are you improving the lives of teachers and learners by exploring new ways for everyone to thrive? At Bett 2024, you’ll make valuable connections and find the solutions needed to better the learning experience.  

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Higher Education 

Higher Education 

Transform your institution’s technological expertise, empower your staff, and enhance the student learning experience with three-days of unrivalled networking, insights, and collaboration.   

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Government representatives and ministers, are you ready to create real impact and change the game for education worldwide? At Bett 2024, you'll meet with a global community of educators ready to transform the learning experience with your help. 

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Solution providers

Solution providers

If you have an innovative solution that’s helping institutions perform better, it's time to showcase them to the world.  Bett 2024 provides the platform to build your brand and gain traction with the educators that need your services most.  

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Bett is transforming

Building better connections

Bett is transforming how the education sector connects and collaborates by delivering the show in a more sophisticated and data-driven way. We connect the right people in the EdTech community quickly and effectively to make a genuine impact on the lives of teachers and learners. 

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New features for 2024



We know how powerful it is when fellow educators come together to discuss their shared experiences, challenges and opportunities. TableTalks does precisely this, bringing together individuals from schools, universities and governments based on their primary topics of interest.  

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Tech User Labs

Tech User Labs

You’ve invested in the best technology, but are you using it to its full potential? At Tech User Labs, you can learn how to get the most out of your current technology from world leading EdTech experts in tutorials and working groups based on your primary interests. 

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Education Leadership Programme

Education Leadership Programme

 Become an EdTech expert in collaboration with US professional learning and membership organisation ISTE. You’ll join a select group of global education leaders as we take a deep dive into becoming better buyers, users and implementers of technology within education.  

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Connect @ Bett

The biggest meetings programme in education 

Connect @ Bett empowers education buyers to discover the right solutions for their learners, in a fraction of the time. And it allows technology providers to find the people within institutions that can unlock the potential of their tech. It’s a win-win for everyone!

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Ahead logo

A better world 
through education

Join over 6,000 educators and EdTech advocates from universities and colleges across the world for three days of unmissable learning. With insights from industry leaders and the latest cutting-edge technology, together we can better the Further and Higher Education experience for everyone.

Learn more about Ahead

Why visit?

Why visit?

Gain access to the highest quality EdTech, industry leaders, live demos, and collaboration opportunities that you won't find anywhere else! Bett 2024 is a must-attend event with the power to make a genuine impact on the lives of teachers and learners. 

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Why exhibit?

Why exhibit?

Bett 2024 offers a wide range of sponsorship opportunities to help reach your target audience and make your investment go further. This is your chance to connect and collaborate with fully engaged EdTech professionals on a global scale! 

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