Registration for Bett Brasil
Visiting is free
All professionals in the Private network who work in schools, colleges, universities, free language courses and/or corporate education.
Public Education
All professionals in the public network who work in education departments, schools, colleges, universities and professional courses.
Association, Class Entity, Government and Ministries
All professionals who work in an organization that represents a professional category. Also included are representatives of ministries, agencies and government authorities.
Third Sector (ONGs, OSCIP, Institutos e Fundações)
All professionals who work in non-profit organizations, such as NGOs, Foundations and Institutions, who work in areas of public interest such as education, health and the environment, complementing the actions of the government and the private sector.
This ticket is for young people over 18 years of age who are studying in schools, colleges, universities and/or who are already working as an apprentice or intern.
Influencer in the education sector
Professional who uses digital platforms to generate content to share knowledge, trends, educational resources and encourage academic and professional development. Proof and approval of registration by the event promoter is required.
Congresso Educação Básica | Fórum de Gestores | Fórum Ahead Educação Superior
Para participar das palestras nos auditórios da Bett Brasil e Ahead by Bett é realizar o pagamento da taxa de inscrição.
Confira os valores e garanta a sua participação. As vagas são limitadas!